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Imagine being so secure in your identity, so certain of your calling + so in love with Jesus that you start living wildly FREE, feeling authentically beautiful, and LOVING who you are + whose you are, in this very moment.

Authentic beauty begins in the soul + works its way outward, therefore, true beauty is to be unveiled rather than applied.
— Jessica Shakir
TITLE PAGE ART Joy, Peace, + Confidence.png

Wildly embrace joy, peace and confidence

Download your FREE 10-Page Guide to help you grow in these glorious gifts!

You are who God says you are. Whether you believe it or not is entirely up to you.
— Jessica Shakir

The Co-Create Mastermind

Our Co-Create Mastermind is Spiritual Fuel for your Creative Soul! We’ll explore the Theological Masterpiece that is Genesis to better understand how we get to Co-Create with the Living God + each other to usher in Truth, Goodness, and Beauty into the World!

Our Saturday Sessions "Theology Meets Creativity" are made up of biblically-informed theological lectures from Jessica + Guest Mentors, interactive discussions, practical exercises, reflective journaling, and opportunities for shared creative projects.

Our Midweek Co-Creating and Soul Care Sessions will also provide an Eden-like environment where you'll engage with fellow creative Kingdom Women, dive deep into personal reflections, and develop a powerful sense of connection, growth, and purpose for a truly transformative adventure!


We'll explore the Word with a focus on Genesis 1-22 and how it connects to the rest of God’s Story! We’ll learn w/ Guest Mentors, along with Classical Thinkers, Theologians w/ hints Positive Psychology and NueroScience.


We'll taste + see that the Lord is good as we activate both the intellectual and the emotional capacities of our humanity. We’ll enjoy good literature, good conversations, and good ideas as we continue to do good work in the world!


We'll experience God's Glory + Beauty together as we spend time with Beauty itself -our Triune God + Creator of all! Both online + off with two opportunities for in- person adventures! Our Spring Meet up + Summer Retreat!

What you see on the cross is God fighting for your beauty.
— Dr. Brian Chan
Deep knowing of God and deep knowing of self always develop interactively.
— David G. Benner

Virtual Events!


Joyful Resources!


If Christ is in you, then the Christian life is not about striving to be something you are not. It is about becoming what you already are.
— Leonard Sweet + Frank Viola, Jesus Manifesto

Alignment is Key

Is this community the right fit for you?! If you answer YES to any of the following, then I think we’re an aligned fit!

  • Above all, you want to seek the Kingdom of God FIRST + live in alignment with God’s Word, His Will, and His Way!

  • You desire to engineer a truly BEAUTIFUL LIFE- and not just look the part on Instagram.

  • You crave congruency between your values + actions in every area of your life so you can live with integrity + authenticity.

  • You know you’re MADE FOR MORE + you’re ready to do the work to grow in your faith, your courage, and your spiritual leadership.

  • You don’t just want more information, you seek transformation. You want to take the knowledge that you are fearfully + wonderfully made from head to heart!

  • You desire to live with genuine confidence in the Lord, so you can let your light shine bright + serve others from an overflow of His Love.

  • Your goal is to be secure in your identity + certain of your calling, so you can fulfill your God-Given Assignment with grace + gratitude.

  • You already point others to Jesus + desire to make a greater impact in doing so because you live with Eternity in mind.

  • You have a HUGE dream in your heart, and you want to LIVE IT OUT!

  • You’re ready to take a stand for yourself + commit to growing!

  • You’re committed to doing life with a healthy mind + a grateful heart!